
予測可能なM6.2 2021年12月20日カリフォルニア地震

The US Earthquake Risk

California and Nevada are home to two-thirds of the US earthquakes, with more than 500 active faults and about 16,000 faults known faults in California.

All of the earthquakes larger than M6 were detected by Earling FirstNotice and alert issued up to a week in advance.

Beat Aeberhardt
Swiss Re
Beat Aeberhardt
Head CatPerils R&D
Alexander Pui
Swiss Re
Alexander Pui
Head Natural Catastrophe
Ambrogio Conte
Assicurativo Poste Vita
Ambrogio Conte
COO Investments
Martin Bertogg
Swiss Re
Martin Bertogg
Head Catastrophe Perils, Cyber & Geo
Erdem Karaca
Swiss Re
Erdem Karaca
Head Cat Perils Americas
Robert Muir-Wood
Risk Management Solutions (RMS)
Robert Muir-Wood
Chief Research Officer
Laurent Marescot
Risk Management Solutions (RMS)
Laurent Marescot
Catastrophe Risk Management Expert
Peter Holland
Risk Management Solutions (RMS)
Peter Holland
Principal Model Specialist
Jeffrey Lee
Jeffrey Lee
Global Head of Analytics Innovation
Daniel Knüsli
Swiss Re
Daniel Knüsli
Head P&C Analytics
Michael Ewald
Swiss Re
Michael Ewald
Earthquake Perils Lead
Franziska Satzger
Swiss Re
Franziska Satzger
Actuary Pricing Tools
Ernst Rauch
Munich Re Group
Ernst Rauch
Chief Climate and Geo Scientis
Petra Löw
Munich Re Group
Petra Löw
Head of NatCatSERVICE Climate Change Solutions Dev
Roman Beilhack
Munich Re
Roman Beilhack
Global Head of AI & IoT Underwriting
Robert Mozeika
Robert Mozeika
Marisol Ossenkop
Swiss Re
Marisol Ossenkop
Senior Solutions Manager
Angela Homm
Munich Re
Angela Homm
Head of Risk Management US P&C Operations
Goran Trendafiloski
Goran Trendafiloski
Cat Model Developer & Head of Earthquake Model
Adam Podlaha
Adam Podlaha
Head of Impact Forecasting
Dan Dick
Dan Dick
Global Head of Catastrophe Management
Thomas Duffy
Thomas Duffy
Senior Consultant & Actuary
George J. Wolf, Jr.
Aon Risk Solutions
George J. Wolf, Jr.
Managing Director
Megan Ganzorig
Megan Ganzorig
Catastrophe Risk Analyst
Alma Heard
Alma Heard
Solutions Architect
Anibal Esquef
Anibal Esquef
Aon Risk Services Hawaii
Maryam Haji
Trans Re
Maryam Haji
Vice President, head of Cat Research
Thomas Englmann
Munich Re Markets
Thomas Englmann
Senior Financial Consultant
Jonathan Meagher
Munich Re Group Risk Management Partners
Jonathan Meagher
Head of Product Management
Massimo Cavadini
Munich Re Group
Massimo Cavadini
Global Leader of Insurance Solutions
Juan David Alban-Conto
Swiss Re
Juan David Alban-Conto
Senior P&C Analytics Manager
Stephanie Wanags-Austin
Stephanie Wanags-Austin
Senior Risk Analyst
Mateo Acosta Rubio
Mateo Acosta Rubio
Associate - Pricing, Portfolio Risk Management
Kapila Makhija
Munich Re America Services
Kapila Makhija
Program Manager
Philipp von der Schulenburg
TreeTrust's Munich Re Venture
Philipp von der Schulenburg
Executive Innovation Strategy Silicon Valley
Maria Ferrés
Maria Ferrés
Head of Enterprise Data Management
Elena Rasa
Zurich Insurance
Elena Rasa
Chief Underwriting Officer
Cristina Arango
Cristina Arango
Catastrophe Risk Specialist - Impact Forecasting
Dr Maximilian Werner
S. California Earthquake Center
Dr Maximilian Werner
Leads Earthquake Forecasting and Predictability SC

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