Fig.1 - Hashed circles represent current Earling undercover regions.
Iran is crisscrossed by major geological fault lines and has suffered several devastating earthquakes in recent years. On 9 July, Earling issued a preparedness alert for the south of Iran focused on Hormozgan. On July 13, an M4.7 earthquake hit North of Bandarabbas, which followed by 2 M4.7 and M5.7 quakes struck Hormozgan province in the South of Iran ion 22 July, a few hours after an M5.9 remained 287 injuries in West of Iran.
How EPA Affects Recent Insured Losses
Fig.2 - Kermanshah M7.3 earthquake and earthquake preparedness alert effect. EPA can increase the insured loss of the same event until $30 million in the short-term in 2020.Fig.3 - Bam shallow 26 Dec 2003, 6.6 earthquake losses. More than 30,000 died. Insured losses were about $3 million. The maximum loss of life insurance after public EPA issued can be between $1.25 and $10 billion for such an event in 2020.Fig.4 - Bojnourd, Northern Khorasan shallow M5.8 earthquake, and EPA effect on the same events in 2020. Insured losses were about $1 million compared with the $67 million total loss. EPA cause extending in earthquake insurance penetration rate. Therefore insured loss increases notably as the risk of a major earthquake getting high.