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M5.1 Ojai, Ventura, California Aug 20, 2023, the last earthquake in Ventura County


Earling short-term earthquake risk models issued a public alert the day before!

M5.1 earthquake rattles Southern California as Hurricane Hilary nears. They were happening at the same time, but like all the unusual earthquakes that Earling short-term earthquake risk models detected in California since 2020, the M5.1 earthquake happened after its high-risk patterns were detected. This means that in Earling, we believe there is no direct connection between the hurricane and the earthquake.


Why earthquake ealry warning systems didn't issue alert for the M5.1 Ventura earthquake


All unusual earthquakes are detected including the M5.1 Ojai, Ventura Aug 20, 2023.


Throughout the entirety of 2022, Earling achieved a remarkable feat by not registering a single false alert, accurately detecting the sole major earthquake that jolted California. This seismic event, a magnitude 6.2 on December 20, 2022, caused considerable destruction while showcasing Earling's unwavering precision.


A few days prior, Earling predicted the risk of the largest earthquake of 2021, a magnitude 6.1 event that struck Eureka, California, in December.

226 days without any high-risk warning

Then a warning that followed by a M5.1in Ojai, Ventura.


Earling stores predicted earthquake risks on GitHub, serving as a trusted data repository within scientific communities.

Ventura CA earthquake risk is available on Earling.



short-term earthquake risk by city name or your zip code.


to receive notifications regarding high-risk seismic time windows prior to the occurrence of an earthquake.


to react during high-risk seismic time-windows.

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