What Does Earthquake Insurance Cover?
Best Time to Get Earthquake Insurance
The best time to buy earthquake insurance is when the probability of a major event is increased. Earling, as the International Disaster Management Award Winner and one of the top 27 startups in the Zurich Innovation Championship 2020, propose you the best time to purchase a new home, life, and property insurance or extending the current coverage if you are in one of the undercover territories which have been marked with dark blue in the blow map.
$22 Premium to Receive $10,000 Even with no Damage
We let you know the best time bet earthquake. You experienced the earthquake (M4.5 can have 30cm/s or VIII inensity)? you receive $10,000, this is we are good at it in Earling.
Is Earthquake Insurance Worth Getting?
Yes, and it is much better to get it or extending the current coverage when the probability of a major event is increased. And when is it? When Earling issues Earthquake Preparedness Alert for your region. Short term home insurance and is the best solution for the time-window that probability of a high-risk seismic activity is highly increased. In addition, you can buy short term life insurance for further threats in this limited duration of time.
Micro Insurance
Unlike traditional insurance policies, which tend to cover only structural damage and involve extensive documentation, a microinsurance policy would automatically pay a fixed sum to all of the insured who fall into a "payout zone" affected by the earthquake, fast, lump-sum payouts with no deductible.
Money to use however you need
No paperwork, no adjusters
Earthquake Party
Yes, it's the time for Earthquake Party. Getting together with your loves and family, when the high-risk seismic activities appeared. Most of the residents willing to be getting together in a safe house booking through Airbnb. Finding best short term life insurance policy is very helpful more for this duration of time.
Want more?
All Airbnb hosts have the protection of liability insurance of up to $1,000,000 to protect against third party claims for personal injury or property damage.
How Do I Get Earthquake Alerts? Transferring Earthquake Risk is Easy
Now Follow Safety Procedures
Now that you have transferred earthquake risk, it's the time to follow local earthquake procedures. In lack of a local procedure, we have provided a version of earthquake preparedness for family, which prepare you for a probable major event.