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M6.4 - 12km WSW of Ferndale, CA

The earthquake happened during high-risk time-windows that was marked by Earling algorithms.

High-risk time-windows tell us when the next major earthquake is going to happen. They tell us, if a major earthquake is going to happen, it's the time.

Now it happened again accurately. The latest alert that issued for California by Earling followed by another M6.1 last year on Dec 20, 2021.

M6.4 Dec 20, 2022 earthquake maximum PGV was 20cm/s based on the USGS report.

We record anything discovering on GitHub, which means any piece of changes are traceable. When the data are recorded helps making a comparison between the real-world events with verifiable data as any changes on the data are traceable. Accuracy of the Early algorithms verified again.

California M 6.4 Earthquake Prediction by Earling Ltd.
Earling was detected the short-term high-risk time-window in the California, days before it happens, and its data was recorded on a verifiable repository, which traces changes. Source: USGS.