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How M6.4 California affected companies in the energy sector

M6.4 Dec 20, 2022, earthquake hit California in its anniversary, a few days after Earling Severe Ground Condition models marked the time-window as the time expected having unusual seismic events - and it happens. Properties and facilities near the epicenter experienced PGV 20cm/s based on the USGS report, which is really powerful. There are many companies in the energy sector affected by the predicted event, some of them are listed as below:

How the California earthquake affected residents

A few days after Earling, marked seismic related patterns as unusual activities and an unusual event larger the last 5 years events on average was expected, M6.4 earthquake happened on December 20, 2022, in its anniversary in Ferndale, CA. The quake remained 2 death and tens of casualties. The temblor, which is the strongest earthquake the area has seen in years, also damaged infrastructure and cut off power to tens of thousands of homes and businesses around Humboldt County, about 250 miles north of San Francisco.

How M6.4 California earthquake affected the mining industry

Earling detected unusual seismic patterns and recorded the risk level changes data on GitHub for further verification, as a daily task that been done since Sep 2020 for California and Nevada. The accurately detected unusual patterns followed up M6.4 earthquake in less than a week. How the M6.4 California earthquake on Dec 20, 2021, affected the mining industry. Losses are not clear right now but let's see what kinds of #mining operations were active near epicenter of the earthquake. From the insurance industry point of view, it could be very impactful event.